Countercyclical Capital and Currency Dependence

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   Daníelsson, J. and Á. Jónsson (2005). Countercyclical capital and currency dependence. Finance Markets Institutions & Instruments 14(6), 329–348.

The introduction of risk sensitive bank capital charges into currency dependent economies exasperates the inherent procyclicality of banking regulations and frustrates the conduct of monetary policy. By requiring capital charges resulting from foreign currency lending to be denominated in the same foreign currency, the capital charge becomes countercyclical.

  author =  {J{\'o}n Dan{\'i}elsson  and {\'A}sgeir {J\'o}nsson},
  title =   {Countercyclical Capital and Currency Dependence},
  journal = "Finance Markets Institutions \& Instruments",
  volume =  {14},
  number =  {6},
  pages =   {329--348},
  year =    2005,

The impact of risk regulation on price dynamics
On time-scaling of risk and the square-root-of-time rule

Risk research
Jon Danielson's research papers on systemic risk, artificial intelligence, risk forecasting, financial regulations and crypto currencies.
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