On time-scaling of risk and the square-root-of-time rule
Download paperMany financial applications, such as risk analysis and derivatives pricing, depend on time scaling of risk. A common method for this purpose, though only correct when returns are iid normal, is the square-root-of-time rule where an estimated quantile of a return distribution is scaled to a lower frequency by the square-root of the time horizon. The aim of this paper is to examine time scaling of risk when returns follow a jump diffusion process. It is argued that a jump diffusion is well suited for the modeling of systemic risk, which is the raison dtre of the Basel capital adequacy proposals. We demonstrate that the square-root-of-time rule leads to a systematic underestimation of risk, whereby the degree of underestimation worsens with the time horizon, the jump intensity and the confidence level. As a result, even if the square-root-of-time rule has widespread applications in the Basel Accords, it fails to address the objective of the Accords.
@ARTICLE{DanielssonZigrand2006, author = {J{\'o}n Dan{\'i}elsson and Jean--Pierre Zigrand }, title = {On time-scaling of risk and the square-root-of-time rule}, journal = "Journal of Banking and Finance", volume = {30}, pages = {2701-2713}, year = 2006, url = {ssrn.com/abstract=567123}, }
Risk research
Jon Danielson's research papers on systemic risk, artificial intelligence, risk forecasting, financial regulations and crypto currencies.© All rights reserved, Jon Danielsson, 2025